Positivity is Positively Perfect

Most of us have been faced with challenges and disappointments in our lives.  The way we react to these negative events has a greater affect on the results than the events themselves.  If we make a choice to remain positive, even when things are difficult, we will be successful. Once you replace negative thoughts withContinue reading “Positivity is Positively Perfect”

Intention Is More Important Than Action

Many of us set goals for our career, our health and our personal lives.  It is important to break down our goals into the steps we need to take to achieve these goals. While this is an important practice to achieve success, it may be more important to set daily intentions.  As long as yourContinue reading “Intention Is More Important Than Action”


Grace can be defined as: A smooth and pleasing way of moving A polite and thoughtful way of behaving Unmerited favor or getting what you don’t deserve A force, a power, or an acting of God that works in us to change our capacities for work, suffering, and obedience. I do not at all understandContinue reading “Grace”


Most of us think of prosperity as the type of success that comes from having a lot of money. The Middle English/old French root word, prosperus, simply means “doing well.”  The Latin word also means “fortunate,” and the word prosperity does have a certain element of good luck. Some people connect prosperity to happiness, andContinue reading “Prosperity”

It is OK to Be Not OK

During this extremely difficult time of Covid-19, quarantining, financial insecurity, and political division in our country, it is OK to be not OK.   One breath at a time. One day at a time. Wake up, and be shredded. Cry for a while. Then stop crying and go about your day. You’re not okay, butContinue reading “It is OK to Be Not OK”

Develop From The Negatives

Recently I read some advice, “Life is like photography, develop from the negatives.”  My first thought was that many young people may not even understand this play on words because photography is now digital.  This means we no longer use film which develops into the negatives used to print photographs. However, I did find itContinue reading “Develop From The Negatives”

Unresolved Conflicts

Conflict can happen when friends, co-workers, or family members have different views or beliefs that are incompatible with our own. Sometimes conflict can occur when people misunderstand each other and jump to the wrong conclusion. Issues of conflict that are not resolved peacefully can lead to arguments and resentment so it is important to faceContinue reading “Unresolved Conflicts”


We have all heard of intimacy and we may even know how important it is in relationships. But, what is it and how do we create and maintain it? Intimacy is defined as a close familiarity or friendship; closeness. While it may seem this applies to romantic relationships, intimacy is important in non-romantic relationships asContinue reading “Intimacy”

Emotional Eating

People are impacted by the news of the coronavirus differently, but we know emotions can be heightened and uncertain. Adding to this the fact that a large majority of people are remaining at home, constantly within steps of the refrigerator and pantry, and we have a recipe for emotional eating. Emotional eating becomes problematic whenContinue reading “Emotional Eating”

There Is Nothing Wrong With You

For many of us, we spend a lot of time thinking of ways we can improve.  We could eat better, be a better parent, exercise more, be more spiritual, or give more to those in need.  We can stop spending so much time dwelling on our personal shortcomings.  We can never achieve perfection.  The truthContinue reading “There Is Nothing Wrong With You”