Be Spontaneous

I am the type of person that generally does not do things spontaneously, I’m a planner.  I like to schedule my activities and appointments on my calendar and plan my time accordingly.  My husband, however, tends to be more of a spontaneous person.  He doesn’t like to plan things too far in advance but prefersContinue reading “Be Spontaneous”

Stay In Your Lane

These days, people often use the phrase “Stay in your own lane” to mean minding your own business.  It can mean, don’t tell me what to do, how to raise my child, or how to live my life. This phrase may be used as a term of admonishment or advice against those who express thoughtsContinue reading “Stay In Your Lane”

Enjoy The Little Things

Enjoying the little things in life involves focusing our attention on what is pleasurable, nurturing, and sustaining in our lives and away from those events that are annoying, frustrating, or hurtful. It means practicing gratitude for those everyday things that are easy to take for granted or miss altogether. In the sweetness of friendship letContinue reading “Enjoy The Little Things”

Keep Calm

We do not have control over the events that are happening in the world around us, but we do have control over the way we react to these events.  We have control over our internal thoughts and external behaviors that can help us to remain calm. Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, butContinue reading “Keep Calm”

It is OK to Be Not OK

During this extremely difficult time of Covid-19, quarantining, financial insecurity, and political division in our country, it is OK to be not OK.   One breath at a time. One day at a time. Wake up, and be shredded. Cry for a while. Then stop crying and go about your day. You’re not okay, butContinue reading “It is OK to Be Not OK”


Reminiscing is sharing our thoughts and feelings of our experiences to recall and reflect upon important events of our life. The ability to remember and think about these times helps older adults recall who they used to be in order to help them define their identity in the current moment. The stories of the pastContinue reading “Reminisce”

The Path Out of Shame

Shame and vulnerability researcher and author Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, describes shame as “the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging.”  Shame is probably among the most harmful of human emotions.  It has the power to convince us that that little voice in our headContinue reading “The Path Out of Shame”

Reaching Our Potential

If we were lucky growing up, we received encouragement and support from our family, teachers, or others to work toward striving for our greatest potential.  Even if we did not receive this support in our childhood, we have the ability to provide that for ourselves here and now. “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughtsContinue reading “Reaching Our Potential”

Heart Healthy for Valentine’s Day

February is American Heart Month.  The first proclamation was issued by President Lyndon B. Johnson in February 1964, nine years after he had a heart attack. Since then, the president has annually declared February as American Heart Month. Since Valentine’s Day has us thinking of candy hearts, it’s a great opportunity to take care ofContinue reading “Heart Healthy for Valentine’s Day”

How Can I Make Exercise Work For Me?

So, you’re ready to start an exercise regimen as part of your new healthy lifestyle, but exactly how are you going to find the time? Fitness experts say that exercising for just 20 to 30 minutes three or four days a week can dramatically improve a person’s weight, mental state and overall well-being.  Of allContinue reading “How Can I Make Exercise Work For Me?”