
Grace can be defined as: A smooth and pleasing way of moving A polite and thoughtful way of behaving Unmerited favor or getting what you don’t deserve A force, a power, or an acting of God that works in us to change our capacities for work, suffering, and obedience. I do not at all understandContinue reading “Grace”

Organize Your Life

We all know the feeling of trying to find something in our closet, drawer, or cabinet and coming up empty-handed.  The frustrating feeling of not being able to find something is actually bad for your health. For the hundredth time you tell yourself it’s time to get organized. You might even feel anxious and overwhelmedContinue reading “Organize Your Life”

Be Your Best Self

Each of us has an idea of what is the best version of ourselves.  Ask yourself, “Am I the best rendition of myself?”  Most of us would like to think that we have become our best self and are living our best life possible.  But the truth is, we may not be there yet. “WhatContinue reading “Be Your Best Self”

Don’t Worry

Many of us have made a practice of worrying.  Even if we know it is not serving us any purpose, we cannot stop worrying.  We think about what happened yesterday and we are convinced it is a sign of horrible things that will happen tomorrow.  To be free from the pain and stress of worrying,Continue reading “Don’t Worry”

Live Inside Out

On any given day, we have a barrage of things coming at us.  It may be people expecting things of us, us expecting things of ourselves, stressful or sad news.  These things may cause us to lash out at whoever or whatever is closest to us.  We may find ourselves getting angry at an innocentContinue reading “Live Inside Out”

Be Happy, Be Happy Now

What is your idea of success? If the purpose of life is to achieve happiness why don’t we make it our practice so that we are guaranteed to attain this? Success is generally measured by the outcome of our efforts, but may I suggest we also measure success by our input.  By doing this, asContinue reading “Be Happy, Be Happy Now”

The Path Out of Shame

Shame and vulnerability researcher and author Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, describes shame as “the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging.”  Shame is probably among the most harmful of human emotions.  It has the power to convince us that that little voice in our headContinue reading “The Path Out of Shame”

Put One Foot in Front of The Other

Some days it takes all our energy just to get through the day.  It seems like the simplest tasks seem insurmountable.  Especially during this Covid-19 pandemic, emotions seem to be magnified and a bad day can feel overwhelming.  It is in these times that we only need to focus on one step at a time.Continue reading “Put One Foot in Front of The Other”

Develop From The Negatives

Recently I read some advice, “Life is like photography, develop from the negatives.”  My first thought was that many young people may not even understand this play on words because photography is now digital.  This means we no longer use film which develops into the negatives used to print photographs. However, I did find itContinue reading “Develop From The Negatives”


We have all heard of intimacy and we may even know how important it is in relationships. But, what is it and how do we create and maintain it? Intimacy is defined as a close familiarity or friendship; closeness. While it may seem this applies to romantic relationships, intimacy is important in non-romantic relationships asContinue reading “Intimacy”