Healing Ourselves

To heal means to make healthy, whole, or sound; restore to health; free from ailment. True healing occurs in more than the physical body, it occurs in our whole selves – body, mind, and spirit. In addition to physical healing, there are many other ways we can become completely healthy. These include different types ofContinue reading “Healing Ourselves”

Positivity is Positively Perfect

Most of us have been faced with challenges and disappointments in our lives.  The way we react to these negative events has a greater affect on the results than the events themselves.  If we make a choice to remain positive, even when things are difficult, we will be successful. Once you replace negative thoughts withContinue reading “Positivity is Positively Perfect”

Become a Minimalist

Minimalism is making a decision to own fewer possessions.  It is intentionally living with only the things you really need.  It is removing the distractions of possessions which allows us to focus on the things that are more important.   Having more and more won’t solve the problem, and happiness does not lie in possessions,Continue reading “Become a Minimalist”

Intention Is More Important Than Action

Many of us set goals for our career, our health and our personal lives.  It is important to break down our goals into the steps we need to take to achieve these goals. While this is an important practice to achieve success, it may be more important to set daily intentions.  As long as yourContinue reading “Intention Is More Important Than Action”

Inspire Others

Many of us have people in our lives who have inspired us to be the best we could be.  Many times we emulate their good qualities in order to attain the success, peace, and happiness we witness in them.  If we are lucky enough, we will become that inspiration for others to follow. The mostContinue reading “Inspire Others”


Grace can be defined as: A smooth and pleasing way of moving A polite and thoughtful way of behaving Unmerited favor or getting what you don’t deserve A force, a power, or an acting of God that works in us to change our capacities for work, suffering, and obedience. I do not at all understandContinue reading “Grace”

Organize Your Life

We all know the feeling of trying to find something in our closet, drawer, or cabinet and coming up empty-handed.  The frustrating feeling of not being able to find something is actually bad for your health. For the hundredth time you tell yourself it’s time to get organized. You might even feel anxious and overwhelmedContinue reading “Organize Your Life”

Be Your Best Self

Each of us has an idea of what is the best version of ourselves.  Ask yourself, “Am I the best rendition of myself?”  Most of us would like to think that we have become our best self and are living our best life possible.  But the truth is, we may not be there yet. “WhatContinue reading “Be Your Best Self”

Be Spontaneous

I am the type of person that generally does not do things spontaneously, I’m a planner.  I like to schedule my activities and appointments on my calendar and plan my time accordingly.  My husband, however, tends to be more of a spontaneous person.  He doesn’t like to plan things too far in advance but prefersContinue reading “Be Spontaneous”

Stay In Your Lane

These days, people often use the phrase “Stay in your own lane” to mean minding your own business.  It can mean, don’t tell me what to do, how to raise my child, or how to live my life. This phrase may be used as a term of admonishment or advice against those who express thoughtsContinue reading “Stay In Your Lane”