Intention Is More Important Than Action

Many of us set goals for our career, our health and our personal lives.  It is important to break down our goals into the steps we need to take to achieve these goals. While this is an important practice to achieve success, it may be more important to set daily intentions.  As long as yourContinue reading “Intention Is More Important Than Action”

Reaching Our Potential

If we were lucky growing up, we received encouragement and support from our family, teachers, or others to work toward striving for our greatest potential.  Even if we did not receive this support in our childhood, we have the ability to provide that for ourselves here and now. “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughtsContinue reading “Reaching Our Potential”

What Do You Need?

Usually when we think of needs, we think of the basics of food, water, and shelter.  Unfortunately for some of us, these basic needs are hard to come by lately.  However, the one thing we have all learned during this pandemic is that we have additional needs that we might have taken for granted inContinue reading “What Do You Need?”

Keep Swinging

George Herman “Babe” Ruth Jr. was an American professional baseball player whose career in Major League Baseball spanned 22 seasons, from 1914 through 1935.  Most people know him for his home-run record.  He scored 714 career home runs, a record that lasted almost 40 years until on April 8, 1974, Hank Aaron’s fourth-inning home runContinue reading “Keep Swinging”


If we stop and think, we are all a part of many different communities throughout our lives.  Communities can include our families, neighborhood, schools, churches, temples, book clubs, workplaces, and so many more.  These “places” make us feel welcome and included. As human beings, we need a sense of belonging, and that sense of belongingContinue reading “Communities”

Finding Abundance

To have an abundance of something is to have more than you need. It’s often used to describe positive qualities, such as “He has an abundance of hope.” Abundance is the opposite of lack. Many times people think of abundance when referring to possessions or wealth.  We can, however, look for the abundance in ourContinue reading “Finding Abundance”

Keep Your Eyes On The Prize

When I was in college eons ago I took horseback riding as one of my elective classes.  The professor explained that to get the horse to go where I wanted him to go, I needed to be looking ahead.  Don’t look at his head, she would explain, look at the trail and where you wantContinue reading “Keep Your Eyes On The Prize”

Human Doing or Human Being?

Where do your positive feelings about yourself come from?  Do you connect your self-worth to the opinions of other people? Do you find yourself doing too much to gain the acceptance of others? Just as our score on the playing field or golf course is not your success in the game PLUS your success inContinue reading “Human Doing or Human Being?”

Dare to Dream

Dreams have been proven to be crucial for our health – mental, physical, emotional, and psychological.  During this time of COVID-19 pandemic, we have all been faced with challenges we never thought possible.  Even more now than ever, we need to have dreams for the future. Dreams motivate us to accomplish things in our lives. Continue reading “Dare to Dream”

Goals – In Life Not Hockey!

We have all heard about the importance of setting goals to be successful in life.  What most people don’t realize is that we don’t have the slightest idea on how to begin this process.  We may write down what we would like to achieve by a certain birthday, but never take any steps to makeContinue reading “Goals – In Life Not Hockey!”